Summer 2024

Wed, 20.September 2023

The new prices for 2024 are already now. My prices were rather low in 2023 compared to the price increases this year. I have to raise my prices a lot because not only food costs but gas and taxes have increased significantly in 2023 and further increases are planned for 2024.

I can no longer sell the Dynjandi tour that I have had in the program so far. The provider is no longer trustworthy because they made duplicate bookings and failed to communicate a change in the start of the tours, meaning my customers were unable to make the booked trip.

Meine Preise waren 2023 eher niedrig, im Vergleich zu den Preiserhöhungen in diesem Jahr. Daher muss ich die erhebliche Erhöhung der Lebenshaltungskosten auf Island (nicht nur Lebensmittel und Kraftstoffe) 2023, die sich 2024 noch weiterhin erhöhen werden, in meine Preise einarbeiten.

Leider kann ich die Dynjandi Tour nicht weiter verkaufen, die ich bisher im Programm hatte. Der Anbieter ist nicht länger vertrauenswürdig, da er 2023 doppelte Buchungen machte und eine Änderung im Beginn der Touren nicht mittteilte, so dass meine Kunden die gebuchte Fahrt nicht machen konnten.

I introduce me

Mon, 24.January 2022

Covid and my Walks

Mon, 15.March 2021

Dear customer,

If you book a walk with us, you can be sure that we will adhere to all regulations that can prevent infection and we assume that you will also adhere to them. This is the only way we can prevent infections from spreading and you might get sick on your trip. We keep our hands clean (hand washing with soap or alcohol), wear a mask and keep the required minimum distance between us and other people. More information about it

We need to work together to eradicate the pandemic

German: Alle meine Mitarbeiter sind voll gegen Covid (2-3x) geimpft oder waren bereits an Covid erkrankt. Wir bitten daher unsere Gäste vor Antritt eines unserer Walks oder Touren um Vorlage der entsprechenden Bescheinigungen.

English: All of my employees are fully vaccinated against Covid (2-3x) or have already had Covid. In order for our guests to be able to take part in walks and tours, they must present appropriate certificates before the  the event starts.


Velkomin í sumar

Wed, 13.May 2020

I am looking forward to meet you next summer. On my walks, it is easy to stay at a distance.

Ich freue mich auf Sie im nächsten Sommer. Wie Sie sehen, ist es leicht auf meinen Walks Distanz zu halten.

Hlakka til að sjá ykkur hjá okkur á Ísafirði í sumar. Ég er alveg viss um að þið njótið sögulegu gönguferðina "Ísafjörður Walk"með mér. Ég leiðsegi á íslensku, þýsku og ensku.

Á myndinni sjáið þið að jafnvel með tveggja metra millibili er hægt að taka þátt.

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We offer Guided Private Tours into environment of Ísafjörður

We perform in English, German and Icelandic

Wir stehen für Nachhaltigkeit, Umweltschutz, Professionalität und kleine Gruppen

We stay for sustainability, environmental protection, professionalism and small groups

 General Info

Tourist Info Westfjords


Vulkanausbruch Fagrardalsfjall 2021

Icelandic Santas - Isländische Weihnachtsmänner