Drippy WATER

Tue, 28.June 2016

I am sorry, but it is only in German: http://forumandersreisen.de/wasserblog/reiseetappen/

DRIPPY WATER ist ein Reisender, ein Vielreisender sogar, der sich auf der Welt entlang der Wasserströme bewegt – auf Flüssen von der Quelle bis ins Delta, auf dem Meer oder durch den Wasserhahn. Er macht sich auf den Weg rund um die Welt, um die Wasser-Projekte der Mitglieder zu besuchen. Begleitet ihn auf seiner Reise in die Welt des Wassers.

Im Zwei-Wochen-Rhythmus erscheinen zu jedem der eingereichten Projekte

  • eine Reisegeschichte von Drippy Water, der das Projekt des Veranstalters besucht und beschreibt
  • Ein Kurzfilm aus den Bildern des Veranstalters
  • Ein Interview mit dem Veranstalter

Zusätzlich werden wir weitere Texte und Berichte rund ums Wasser veröffentlichen, z.B. Interviews mit ExpertenInnen, Wasser-Helden wie z.B. Mojib Latif, Pressesprecher Hamburg Wasser, Gründer Viva con Agua und und und… Wir sind für Ideen und Partner offen!

Welcome to my town

Wed, 30.March 2016

Do you want to see more offers, please also look at my travel agency website Westfjords Experiences.

The Newest

Sun, 24.January 2016

One week in Ísafjörður 

For individuals whenever you want

Ísafjörður and its surrounding area offers varied and interesting activities that I will put together according to your interests and depending on the season: sightseeing, events, sports activities, cultural, nature explorations or contacts with locals.

Environment and sustainability

Goal of our business is to preserve our unique beautiful and untouched nature, environment and culture,so that coming generations will also have a sustainable future.

That is why we set ourselves goals for sustainable tourism that we hope you help to implement too.

Westfjords Experiences/ISlandfrauen We want to enjoy a cleaner environment. In our daily work we stand for a responsible use of our resources and protection of our culture and nature.

To limit waste we don´t buy goods with excessive packaging and use biologically degradable materials. We buy goods made out of recyclable materials rather than disposable ones. We sort our rubbish and use compost for biodegradable waste. We also use the geothermal resources of Iceland responsibly for we take care of how we use electronic devices, light, water and heating. We also point out that we are not in a geothermal active region. Electricity has to be imported from further away which creates costs.

We want to use our private and business vehicles less and want to motivate our business partners to use less fuel and drive environmentally sound, too.

It is especially important for us to recruit staff of the region and buy primarily regional goods and services to limit transport.

Our goals for environmental protection are a step on our way to sustainability. That is why we will measure success and reevaluate our goals regularly.


We are a member of Forum anders reisen in Germany, an organization that offers only sustainable travels. We are also member in the following organizations and unions: Icelandic Tourism Board - Westfjord section, Icelandic Sage &Heritage Association, Organisation of Environmental Protection in the Icelandic Westfjords.

Because we love Iceland and its nature and culture one of our main concerns is to actively participate in the regular planning meetings for construction, environmental protection and tourism.

If you want to know more about our goals please contact us.



Gleðileg Jól

Tue, 22.December 2015

Merry Christmas to you all

Frohe Weihnachten Euch allen

My business-year had been very good, thanks you my costomers. I met many people from countries around the world, which made me rich in experiences.

so, I am looking forward to the year 2016th.

Mein Unternehmensjahr war richtig gut, dank Euch meiner Gäste. Ich traf viele verschiedene Menschen aus Ländern rund um die Erde, die mich reich an Erlebnissen machten. Ich freue mich auf das Jahr 2016.

My Business represent Sustainability

We are committed to sustainability, ensuring that nature can be used by people without being destroyed so that many more generations can enjoy this healthy nature. Therefore, Ísafjörður Guide planned his services in a way that nature is as little affected as possible. Herbs that we collect are definitely not on the list of endangered plants.

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We offer Guided Private Tours into environment of Ísafjörður

We perform in English, German and Icelandic

Wir stehen für Nachhaltigkeit, Umweltschutz, Professionalität und kleine Gruppen

We stay for sustainability, environmental protection, professionalism and small groups

 General Info

Tourist Info Westfjords


Vulkanausbruch Fagrardalsfjall 2021

Icelandic Santas - Isländische Weihnachtsmänner